Discover Your Own World

of Opportunity in DX-ing


Stations still on-air with Shortwave Overseas service in one or more Languages for DX Worldwide.


AM Radio Stations on-air with different language. Scan your Radio Dial for QSL


Languages are still alive on SW Dial for the DX World. Choose your Favourite ones.


Radio Station operates online service. Plug in to discover more
Why are you in ABCDX?

ABCDX -ing is a unique platform of DX-ing and SW Listening in Bangladesh. 

Quizes & Gifts

Surf on the Quizes from International Radio Stations and grab your Gifts

Discover the DX World

ABCDX -ing is the window for you to Discover the World of DX-ing

Ready to Join ABCDX?

Let’s Join with us to surf on DX Ocean and enjoy the beauty of DX-ing

#Find Your Gateway

Get the Crown You Deserve in DX-World

#Discover the Radio World

The World  on your Palm

Radio is your guide, philosopher, and tutor who helps you discover the world without any return through the Wave (AM, FM, or Net).

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#Find Your Pathway

What Associate's Says

We are since 1984. From April 14, 2021, we have renamed ABC DXing. Here are our Associate's Comments


Upcoming Events of ABCDX World

25 Jun 13:00 - 15:00
Helping to change the worldbetter
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25 Jun 13:00 - 15:00
Expand a business mass other countries plan
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25 Jun 13:00 - 15:00
Transforming our in science facilities
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writing meaningful receotion report

# Bulletin

বেতার তরঙ্গ

Betar Tarangyo, quarterly club bulletin, covers Club Activities, Quiz Announcement, Frequency Updates, QSL News all over the World.


#Get Together

General Annual Meet

All Members, Associates, Affiliates, and Radio Professionals meet together for strategic updates.
