About Us
# What we are doing?
We are ABC DX, A platform to share the ABC of Hobby DX-ing in Bangladesh.
We desire to change the radio listening better
Discover more on DXing

#Team Advisory
A Guidance team with vision
A group of experts and radio professionals guides ABC DX to create
a vision and advocate for making the dream a reality.
Since 26 March 1984, ABC DXing moving
forward with its Vision and mission on DX-ing.

Director, Radio Jyoti (Online)

Education Professional

Development Expert

Development Worker
#Team Management
A leadership team for the vision
Association of Bangladesh Club of DXing is managed by a group of experienced DXers and Radio Hobbyist, who have expertise also in team management


Senior Instructor

Asst. Professor



Asst. Professor


Senior Instructor
#Team ABC DX
A Governance team for the vision
Our Associates and Affiliates Partners are the core component of ABC DXing. They are the driver of this platform. ABCDX played its role under their governance. Every Associates and affiliate has their voting rights to demonstrate the ABC DXing's pathway.