ABCDX Quiz Zone

 A Single place of Quiz. Surf, Select, Send, Success, and Smile

International Radio Quiz

National Radio Quiz

Radio Fan Club Quiz

Quiz Zone: Quiz from International Radio

quiz zone

Select the latest from Quiz Zone

Quiz Zone is a single place for quizzes organized and disclosed by International and Domestic radio stations. It was a real challenge for the listeners and Radio Wave surfers to surf and select the quiz nowadays.
Because, almost every radio station ceased quiz announcements, and most of the stations ceased broadcasting from shortwave. Once Deutsche Welle, China Radio International, Radio Japan, and Radio Saudi Arabia, even once favorite station Radio Veritas Asia has a regular quiz show, It might be a quiz for a new hobbyist.

Once Quiz was everywhere, and now, we have to search a lot to find a single quiz. We are lucky Radio France International has continuing quiz announcements under the Sound Kitchen program. But the quality of prizes is reduced. Radio Slovakia International also has a monthly quiz as well as Radio Prague. Voice of Indonesia announced quiz questions almost every year, whereas Voice of Vietnam organized them every five years. Like the English Service, and the Bangla Service also crossed the golden era of radio quizzes. Now only, it is a rare one for the radio hobbyist.

Why Quiz Zone?

ABC DXing is a unique platform for radio hobbyists, Shortwave Hunters, FM and MW seekers, and Net Radio surfers. Each and everyone has some information about the radio quiz. Here we gather them all and compile them for others.

Our ultimate goal is ‘No one left behind.’  

On this page or the link page, you may find many more quizzes and some answer clues (in some cases) for participation.

We try to make it a Single-place Quiz.  You just need to Surf, Select, and Send the answer. We wish you Success and always desire to look at your Smile.
RRI- Voice of Indonesia 23
The Voice of Indonesia organized an International Quiz each year. RRI- Voice of Indonesia announced the same quiz for the year 2023. This year’s international quiz of Voice of Indonesia focused on the Indonesian Tourist Spots. Participants need to write an essay on a tourist spot of the mentioned five. 

This is a Google form-based online contest.

Please follow us for a Q&A of this contest 
Don't miss the chance to visit Indonesia
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the Sound Kitchen 2024

Radio France International presents the Sound Kitchen Quiz. Susan Owensby presented this show over the last 14 years. Each week RFI-SK asks listeners to answer a question. Listeners are allowed to send the reply within a month. Try your luck, Surf our link, Select the Week, Send your Answer (Source may be available in the section), and Smile for your Success. Be a winner.

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R Slovakia International

Monthly Quiz Update of Radio Slovakia International 2024

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Radio Prague Quiz

Monthly Quiz update with help tips. Surf and Search the Quiz and Tips, Selcet the Quiz, Send the Answer, and Smile.

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Radio France International Quiz

Quiz Zone
Episode Title

Check the Source!

Question: What percentage of Votes did RN parties get and What percentage of votes did the Macronist party?

Bonus Question: What do you do to help others have a secure and happy life?

The deadline for this week's quiz is July 08, 2024. The names of the lucky winners will be
declared on the podcast show on 13 July 2024. Make sure to include your postal address
and, if applicable, your RFI Listeners Club membership number with your entry, if you have any.

Send your answers to: English.Service[at] or

Susan Owensby | RFI – The Sound Kitchen | 80, rue Camille Desmoulins

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux | France

Answer Tips: “Why did Macron call snap elections and what does it mean for France?”
Episode Title

Politics make strange bedfellows

Quiz Question:

This page will be updated a week before the deadline. Welcome you to visit us.

Bonus Question:

The deadline for this week's quiz is July 08, 2024. The names of the lucky winners will be
declared on the podcast show on 13 July 2024. Make sure to include your postal address
and, if applicable, your RFI Listeners Club membership number with your entry, if you have any.

Send your answers to:



Susan Owensby | RFI – The Sound Kitchen | 80, rue Camille Desmoulins

92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux | France


Episode Title

A nail-biting tennis match

Quiz Question:

Bonus Question:

The deadline for this week's quiz is August 12, 2024. The names of the lucky winners will be
declared on the podcast show on 17 August 2024. Make sure to include your postal address
and, if applicable, your RFI Listeners Club membership number with your entry, if you have any.

Please Note: This Quiz Section has been updated by: RFI Surfers' Society Bangladesh. ABCDXing does not manage this RFI Quiz section

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