KBS World Radio
Test Transmission is starting soon. English service of KBS World has
announced the test transmission’s details. Due to a transmitter difficulty, KBS
English programming on 9785 kHz was first rescheduled to 1800-2100 UTC and will
now be restored on 1400-1700 UTC with a specific extent of 250 kW.
Massage on KBS World Radio Test Transmission

The Korean Broadcasting Corporation (KBS) is happy to announce that, following a three-week test broadcast beginning at 0400 UTC on July 8, 2019. As a result, the Shortwave transmission from the Kimje transmitting site of South Korea will be normalized. KBS World Radio English Service are grateful for your endurance over the year.
Due to a transmitter malfunction,
the English program of KBS on 9785 kHz was initially rescheduled to 1800-2100
UTC and will now be returned on 1400-1700 UTC with a greater output of 250 kW.
Since a 250 kW transmitter will replace the present 100 kW transmitter, listeners who tune into English programming on 11810 kHz and 15575 kHz will also benefit from improved reception.
How to send reception report
Korean Broadcssting System (KBS) World Radio English Service has a prescribed reception report form on their web. Just Visit KBS Reception Report section and fill the form. KBS issues QSL card for each report.
You can also send your report by Email your report to KBS Englsh Service Or by
Postal Address
English Service
13 Yoigongwon-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu,
Seoul, 07235, Rep. of KOREA

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