Shortwave Worldwide Algeria

Radio Piko Charming Shortwave
Radio Piko is a delightful shortwave station designed for Finnish radio enthusiasts. It broadcasts pre-1950 music, old-time radio shows, and wartime swing bands. Operating on the shortwave band provides a nostalgic alternative to modern transmissions on weekends. Embracing the rich history of radio, Radio Piko brings a unique listening experience to its audience.
Voice of Greece (ERT 5): A Tale of Waves and Time
The Voice of Greece transcended mere broadcasting. It became a cultural ambassador, sharing Greek language, music, and heritage with the world. Its programs fostered understanding, celebrated diversity, and kindled a sense of nostalgia.
Live from Tamsui: RTI’s Exciting Test Broadcast of French Service
Radio Taiwan International (RTI) gears up for its groundbreaking "live from Tamsui" test broadcast in August. This transmission will be directly from the Tamsui transmission center in northern Taiwan to Europe and South Africa. Listeners are encouraged to tune in to these frequencies during the specified time slots and provide their reception reports.
RTI Reduce Shortwave Broadcasts
Radio Taiwan International (RTI), the international broadcasting arm of Taiwan, ROC, will reduce its shortwave Broadcasts from August 1, 2023. The move is to save money, as RTI has faced financial challenges recently.
Radio Estonia (Eesti Radio): Discovering the Melodies of the North
In the early 1920s, the airwaves began to buzz with a new form of communication, radio. The journey of Radio Estonia has been one of adaptability and innovation. From its humble beginnings with limited broadcasting hours and a relatively small reach.
KBS World Radio Test Transmission
KBS World Radio Test Transmission is starting soon. English service of KBS World has announced the test transmission’s details.