Radio France International the Sound Kitchen Quiz the Nenge(e) Tongo, a creole language of Suriname and French Guiana, usually spoken by the Ndyuka people, is the primary focus. In the podcast of RFI SK on 23 July 2022, Susan Owensby asked a question of two parts, focusing on the language of escaped enslaved people of Surinam and French Guiana. If you want to know this week's question, you need to listen to the show "Nenge(e) Tongo." RFI Surfers' Society Bangladesh (RFISSBD), an independent fan club of Radio France International, helps you to participate. They disclosed the question a few days before the deadline. Besides this RFI Sound Kitchen Quiz, in the Quiz Zone of ABC DXing web, you will find the latest quiz of many international radio broadcasters.
Question Sound Kitchen Quiz the Nenge(e) Tongo
Main Question:
Q1. What is the name of the language developed by the escaped enslaved people in French Guyana?
Q2. Which four languages are in its base?
Bonus Question:
What is your dream day at your work or school?
Businenge, ‘the man of woods’ speakers of Nenge(e) Tongo
In the 18th century, African slaves, often known as "Maroons," owned by Suriname and French Guyana, escaped from the Dutch plantations. In the adjacent Amazon jungle, the Maroons found shelter. The Maroni is home to the bulk of Businenge speakers of Nenge(e) Tongo. The Aluku has primarily resided in the towns of Apatow, Papachton, Maripasoula, and along the Lawa River. However, they have also migrated into larger cities (Saint-Laurent, Saramaka village of Kourou, Cayenne).
The Nenge Tongo language, based on English, French, Portuguese, and Dutch, began to generate a particular type of geometric pattern-based art.
You have until 05 September 2022 to enter this week's contest. The lucky winners will be disclosed on the 10 September 2022 podcast. Please don’t forget to mention your name and the postal address with your answer, [and your RFI Listeners Club membership number, if you have any].
Send your answers to:
Susan Owensby | RFI – The Sound Kitchen | 80, rue Camille Desmoulins,
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux | France
RFI quiz 23 July 2022
Radio France International
the Sound Kitchen
Quiz the Nenge(e) Tongo, a creole language of Suriname and French
Guiana, usually spoken by the Ndyuka people, is the primary focus. Vist RFI Sound Kitchen Quiz for more details. Send and Smile on your Success