Recently BBC declared that they are leaving traditional radio platforms and switching them to web-based services. We were already shocked to hear this news, but it was expected, as all other international ceased the same. Once BBC had a popular program guide named "Radio Times" and also "London Calling". Let's enjoy the BBC definition of "Good and Bad Listener" from Radio Times 1927.

Who is the Good and Bad Listener?
This is a Fun n Facts of BBC. By using Radio-broadcasting words, BBC made a smile on our faces while reading this BBC Radio Times. We have tried to pick up some funs from those days' golden booklets and wish to represent here for all of us. Please note this is a BBC Product, and we just captured it to recall those remarkable days. To make all the pictures college of, we have used snaps from our own collection and some from BBC web.
On April 15, 1927, in the BBC Radio Times Volume 15, No 185, there was a full-page article titled "The Good and the Bad Listeners - A Tale with a Moral". Let us discover who are the Good Listeners and who are the Bad from that Tale with a Moral.
Who are the Good Listeners?
Behold, there was once a Good Listener,
Is who was a Model of Vertue. He bought his son a clockwork engine and did not play with it himself. And he held the baby. He smoked a pipe (which always made him feel sick) just because his wife disliked cigarettes. And, above all, he possessed a Loud Specker of mellow tone, which he played behind closed windows for fear of annoying his neighbours. He had his reward, for some shares which he had bought to oblige a friend on the Stock Exchange soared to Seven Pounds a share. He was able to retire to Harrogate and devote his life to the cultivation of marigolds.
What about the Bad Listeners?
And now, behold the Bad Listener,
A horrid man, who wore a tall coat and lavender trousers in the evening, patronized Modern Art. And kept a whippet. He must have been a Bad Man because his calendar showed June 31, a date which finds no place in Good Men. He, too, had a Loud Speaker. But as brazen as himself, the which, opening his window, he allowed to torrent his neighbours.
And he, too, had his reward. He was detected founding a Society for the Promotion of Oscillation; and will not be a listener again for seven years- unless he gets a ticket of leave!

Fun N Facts
বিবিসির সংবাদ পাঠক যদি বলতেন আগামি এত তারিখ হরতাল, জনগণ তা মেনে নিয়ে হরতাল পালন করতো। ফলে বিবিসি কখনও প্রশ্নবিদ্ধ হয়নি। এই সংবাদ বিভাগের টুকরো ঘটনা নিয়েই BBC Fun n Facts এর আয়োজন।

অবশেষে আর দশটা আর্ন্তজাতিক বেতারের পথ অনুসরণ করলো বিবিসি। একটু দেরিতে হলেও আমাদের বলতে হচ্ছে, “Goodbye BBC from SW, not from
the Heart”, মানতে হচ্ছে কঠিন বাস্তবতা।

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