Radio Exterior de España: Commitment to Global Broadcasting
Radio Exterior de España, launched in 1942, has a storied history of connecting Spain with the world. In 2014, REE’s shortwave broadcasts were temporarily suspended, causing concern among its global audience. The new transmitters will play a crucial role in delivering shortwave signals around the globe.

In a remarkable move to secure the future of shortwave broadcasting, the RTVE Board of Directors has unanimously approved the acquisition. He approved installing and operating a new shortwave transmitter for Radio Exterior de España (REE). This marks the first of five transmitters urgently needed to ensure the continuation of this vital public service. As the current equipment has significantly outlived its lifespan and is prone to frequent breakdowns.

A Strategic Renewal

The new transmitters will play a crucial role in delivering shortwave signals to key regions, including West Africa, the Middle East, North America, and South America. This strategic investment reaffirms RTVE's commitment to its public service mandate, as outlined in the Framework Mandate and Law 17/2006. The law mandates the Corporation to serve the widest possible audience. It will ensure maximum continuity and geographical and social coverage with a commitment to quality, diversity, innovation, and ethical standards.

Ensuring Continuity and Expanding Reach

This initiative is a significant step forward in guaranteeing the continuation of REE’s service to Spaniards abroad and foreigners interested in Spain. The decision comes after a period of uncertainty. In 2014, REE’s shortwave broadcasts were temporarily suspended, causing concern among its global audience. It wasn’t until 2018 that the station resumed eight hours of daily shortwave broadcasting, restoring its essential connection with listeners worldwide.

The Power and Appeal of Shortwave

Shortwave radio has a unique ability to transcend borders and barriers. It brought Spain's voice and vision to every corner of the globe. Luis Manuel Fernández Iglesias, the director of REE, has emphasized the importance of involving the Spanish Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture in shaping and financing Radio Exterior's future. This collaboration is crucial to sustain the international public broadcaster's mission.

The recent invasion of Ukraine highlighted the enduring power of shortwave radio. Unlike other forms of media, shortwave is resistant to control and censorship, ensuring the democratic right to accurate and honest information. It is also free for listeners, requiring minimal investment for reception, making it an indispensable tool for various groups. Fishermen, merchant sailors, missionaries, and Spanish volunteers operating in remote areas where the internet is inaccessible rely on shortwave for information and connection.

A Flashback: Radio Exterior de España's Journey

Radio Exterior de España, launched in 1942, has a storied history of connecting Spain with the world. Over the years, REE has changed to provide news, cultural programs, and music that reflect Spain’s rich heritage. Initially, it aimed at Spanish expatriates and the international community. Despite the digital revolution, REE’s shortwave service remains a crucial medium for reaching global audiences, particularly in regions with limited internet access.

Radio Exterior de España: Looking Ahead

RTVE’s decision to invest in new transmitters is not just about maintaining a broadcast service. It’s about reaffirming a commitment to global communication and the democratic dissemination of information. REE continues to use shortwave broadcasting to connect Spain with the world. This ensures that the voice of Spain is heard worldwide.

In a world where digital connectivity is not always guaranteed, the resilience and reach of shortwave radio offer a timeless and reliable source of information. REE embarks on this new chapter. It stands as a testament to the enduring power of radio. And also the importance of staying connected in an ever-changing world.

Stay tuned for more updates on Radio Exterior de España's revitalization and ongoing mission to bring Spain to the world.

References This blog is the Extract version of “RTVE secures the future of Radio Exterior's shortwave public service in Spain,.”  It was published in Spanish on the REE web portal on 24 June 2024 by RTEVPress.

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