Shortwave Worldwide Algeria

Good and Bad Listener – BBC Definition
Who are the Good Listener and Who are the Bad? Let us know about it. But in BBC Fun style. The BBC Radio Times (Volume 1) explain about it. Let us enjoy. . .
Cz October 22 Quiz; Do you know the Answer?
Cz October 22 Quiz; Do you know the Answer? - is sharing the quiz details with answer tips. Read the full article carefully. let us know the quiz question. (You may also visit Radio Cz for the question).
Goodbye BBC from SW, not from the Heart
অবশেষে আর দশটা আর্ন্তজাতিক বেতারের পথ অনুসরণ করলো বিবিসি। একটু দেরিতে হলেও আমাদের বলতে হচ্ছে, “Goodbye BBC from SW, not from the Heart”, মানতে হচ্ছে কঠিন বাস্তবতা।
Folklore Song Singing Contest; VOI 2022
Are you listen to Voice of Indonesia? Are you listening to VOI as a foreigner? Are you 18 years old or above 18 years? So why late. Just record your sound and participate Folklore Song Singing Contest 2022.
Cz EU Presidency When
Radio Prague monthly quiz of September wants to know Cz EU Presidency when was in the past. Radio Prague disclosed the Quiz of the month on the first day of each month with a single question on the Czech republic.
Radio Pakistan Round the Clock
After the independence from Great Britain, Pakistan Broadcasting Service, now PBC, started its journey on 14 August 1947. When established in 1947, Radio Pakistan had only three stations in Dhaka, Lahore, and Peshwar. Recently Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union disclosed PBC announced that Radio Pakistan Round the Clock.
Cz Biggest Natural Lake
Radio Cz Monthly quiz of August 2022 Cz Biggest Natural Lake focused. You will find the quiz details and some tips. Surf, Send, and Smile
Print Radio Tasmania: Radio for the Print Disability
বেতার জগতের আজকের আলোচনায় আজ বেছে নিয়েছি, ১৯৮২ সালের ২৬ জুন, মুদ্রণ প্রতিবন্ধীদের জন্য অস্ট্রেলিয়ার এক ব্যতিক্রমি অভিযানে সম্পৃক্ত বেতার কেন্দ্র Print Radio Tasmania: Radio for the Print Disability কে।
G7 Meeting and China’s Belt and Road
The Sound Kitchen (SK Quiz 02 July 2022) asked you to answer a G7 Meeting and China's Belt and Road question.
Sound Kitchen Quiz the Nenge(e) Tongo
Sound Kitchen Quiz the Nenge(e) Tongo, a creole language of Suriname and French Guiana,is the primary focus of this week's quiz
BBC Fun n Facts
বিবিসির সংবাদ পাঠক যদি বলতেন আগামি এত তারিখ হরতাল, জনগণ তা মেনে নিয়ে হরতাল পালন করতো। ফলে বিবিসি পরিবেশিত ফেক নিউজও কখনও প্রশ্নবিদ্ধ হয়নি। এই সংবাদ বিভাগের টুকরো ঘটনা নিয়েই BBC Fun n Facts এর আয়োজন।
Logo Design Contest Announced by VoV
A Logo Design Contest have been announced for Vietnam National Digital Transformation, declared by Voice of Vietnam (VOV5). Any one can take part in this contest through Online or Ofline. VOV Spectators' Association Bangladesh (VOVSAB) happy to share it with all.